Pastoral and Biblical Counsel

Pastor Will Martin
The truth is that people often need counsel but don’t know
where to turn. Many counselors with all the “right” letters behind
their names have all the wrong answers for us; offering to treat
symptoms instead of declaring Truth which can address the root
issue. Many “Christian” counselors offer the same Christ-less bromides
that the world has to offer. Meanwhile, Christ, through His Word, Spirit,
and Church, has given us everything we need to fruitfully and peacefully
navigate through life’s…let us call them adventures.
I am a local pastor and Christ is my counseling credentials. He set me apart as a servant of His people some twenty years ago. I have been pastoring this same church for over fifteen years during which time I have seen Christ, through His Holy Spirit and Word, bring help, counsel, and freedom to people. My areas of focus have been marriage and family, vocational, financial, and spiritual. If you need someone to speak God’s word into your life I would love to help. Here is what you can expect from me:
Prayer…To help people at the soul level requires utter dependence upon the Lord. Jesus said “apart from Me you can do nothing…” I really believe Him. Any counsel I give will be prayerfully aimed at bringing you to Christ for help.
Biblical…”Your Word is a lamp unto my feet and a light unto my path…” I am convinced that the Bible, as the very Word of God, is able to shine light into any situation and bring hope to it. If you want to hear how the Bible applies to you and your situation, I can help.
Free…the cost of counseling can be staggering and so many people simply can’t afford it. I am a full-time pastor and the headmaster of a Classical Christian school. R&S is not what puts bread on my table. While I will accept free-will donations if you get help, I do not charge anyone for counsel. If you can give, great. If you can’t, great. Come get help anyway.
No shame…while it CAN be done, it’s hard to shock a pastor who has been at it for a hot minute. You aren’t strange and you aren’t alone.